Species of Sharks
Saw Sharks
Saw sharks species contains 9 species
which have elongated snouts, and flat saws on the end of their mouths mostly like their close cousins the skates and rays
Angel Sharks
15 species of Angel sharks exist. They are often called sand devils or monkfish. They lie flat and wait on the bottom for prey.
Dogfish SharkS
Dogfish is a unite species for sure. 97 species exist in 7 families. The rough skin, dogfish, sleeper, and lantern sharks are in this family.
Bramble Sharks
Two genera of bramble species exist in North America. They are named for their skin. They are sometimes included in the dogfish family.
Cow Sharks
These frilled sharks are among the most ancient type of living sharks. 5 species dwell in deep water, they have one dorsal fin and great teeth as well.
Frilled Sharks
This group only includes one living family. A sole species named for covers of 4 to 5 gill slits, that closely resembles the sharks from 400 million years ago.
Bullhead sharks
Also known as different teeth.. The similar species would have lived over 200 million years ago. Today they are about 9 species including the horn and Port Jackson sharks.
Carpet Sharks
This species has 31 species in 7 families. Among them are the carpet sharks ,wobblegong, epaulette, nurse, blind and zebra sharks. They lie down while they swim normally very slowly. This includes the whale shark.
Mackeral Sharks
The Mackerel family has 15 species of sharks in 7 families. These included Great White all the way to Makos. Other included Thresher, crocodile, goblin, sand tiger and megamouth.
Ground Sharks
200 species exist in this family of sharks. Also known to this family is the requiem shark, tiger, white tip, black tip, blues, hammerheads, bonnethead, hound, smooth dog fish, barbeled head, soup fin, leopard, weasel and false cat to name a few.